Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Aura White Pure L-Glutathione

Aura White sekarang dah jadi macam satu fenomena dah kat Malaysia ni...boleh dikatakan macam MALAYSIAN BEAUTY TOP SECRET gitew...kat majalah dah keluar, surat khabar pon dah keluar, kat blog2 lagi la banyak....

Apa yang buat Aura White ni mendapat sambutan hangat?
Tentulah sebab keberkesanannya. Sekarang ni kalau google je 'AURA WHITE' mesti boleh jumpa testimonial dari pengguna2 yang dah berjaya memutihkan kulit, menghaluskan kulit, mengurangkan jerawat, menghilangkan jeragat dan kelihatan lebih gebu. So, sape yang tak nak kan...rasanye semua perempuan kat dunia ni nak nampak cantik. Jadi, jangan tunggu lama2, boleh terus order Aura White melalui kite...caranye mudah je...>>>klik sini 

Apa yang buat Aura White ni berkesan?
Jom kite lihat apa ingredients dalam Aura White nie>>> Aura white terhasil dari gabungan:

1) Hydrolyzed tilapia collagen peptide
2) L-Glutathione
3) Hyaluronic Acid
4) Vitamin C
5) Tomato Stem Cell
6) Apple Stem Cell
7) Roselle Stem Cell
8) Maqui Berry
9) Papaya
10) Lemon
11) Sweet Turnip
12) Mixed Berries

Aura White ni selamat ke??? diiktiraf tak???
Pada yang masih ragu-ragu tentang Aura White ni dah boleh tarik nafas lega dah...sebabnya Aura White ni produk buatan Malaysia yang sememangnya HALAL, diiktiraf oleh JAKIM, ada sijil GMP, sijil HACCP pon ada. 

Selamat diminum oleh semua golongan...tak kira la lelaki ke perempuan, tua ke muda, dan yang mengandung pon boleh k...sebab Aura White ni bebas daripada Cortisone, Hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone, beclomethasone, betamethasone, prednisone, dan prednisolone. Tak percaya juga dan nak tengok bukti...tengok sijil ni>>>

Siapa cakap Aura White tak berkesan???
Siapa cakap camtu mesti belom cuba Aura White kan? Cuba la dulu...baru tau berkesan ke tak berkesan...mula2 kita pon ragu2 macam kamu juga tapi lepas tengok kawan kite dan hilang jerawat, kite pon cuba...setakat ni kita dah nampak perubahan sikit...nanti lepas habis satu botol ni kita post kat sini k.

Siapa cakap Aura White ni tak berkesan??? ramai kot yang dah berjaya lihat kesan / perubahan pada diri mereka lepas mengamalkan Aura White ni...tu sebab la kita pon amik Aura White ni...nah tengok antara testimonial pengguna Aura White ni>>>

or email
or SMS to Souqis > 0133188897

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

When MEN start seeking beauty while WOMEN stop seeking beauty

Hi, Dear! 

"In 1997, $2.4 billion was spent on men's grooming products; by 2009, that number was $4.8 billion [source: Newman]. Men, it seems, are becoming more interested in products such as concealer and moisturizers that will keep them looking their best." (Source: )
Have you ever wondered what happens when MEN start seeking beauty while WOMEN stop seeking beauty??? Happy ending or sad ending? This thought began when i stumbled upon photos of MEN scrubbing their face, MEN applying beauty products while searching for a pics to be use in my ads...LOL its creepy yet funny! Let's take a look on what i'm laughing for...
Oh, No!!! #Kalau ajak gi spa sure nak punya mamat nih...hehe
No doubt...going to spa is really relaxing my dear! #Abis cpt la korang punya masker...
Wanted to show off your mask or armpit??? Hahaha #Tunggu masker kering kena dok gaya camni ker?? hmmm
Men and it necessary??? #Kalau brush korang tetibe hilang tu tau la nak cari mane..hihhi.
LOL...#Baru tau susahnye makeup nih...'s creepy... #Omak aiii terkojot den..

Not only that i've come across lots of stories about MEN complaining about WOMEN who stop seeking beauty after getting married...but unfortunately, all stories is far from happy ending my dear... T.T Read the stories here....

To all ladies out there...lesson learned:
1) Don't neglect your beauty regime after getting married.
2) Maintain your look and keep in shape.